The Santuario Project commenced operations in Mexico in early 2017, initially focusing on Guadalupe Zaju and subsequently expanding to Ixhuatlán del Café in Veracruz. By mid-2019, the Ixhuatlán processing center was completed, incorporating insights gained from Santuario’s experiences in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Brazil. This center was specifically designed to facilitate the production of high-quality specialty coffees from the central region of Mexico, particularly Veracruz. Minor adjustments were made at Guadalupe Zaju to align with elevated quality standards. In Ixhuatlán del Café, coffees are sourced from multiple farms in the area, with local farmers receiving support from AMSA Veracruz.
Santuario Project is in charge of developing all the processes, as well as visiting the farmers involved in supplying the coffees for the program. During harvest time, personnel from Santuario are in charge of supervising all the activities and processes.